love my kset bag!!! I had previously a few similar type bags but they were never big enough, nor did they stand the wear and tear of my freelance life. The quality of these bags is excellent! I have pushed them and filled them to the limits and six months later they are still going strong. They help you to be organised and see everything quickly. I have so many things that sometimes when you can’t see it, you forget about it and use something else. I love that this bag you can display all your finery and get to it and pack it down and move if you need to straight away! I have split my bags into a more basic kit and then one that’s more fun and colourful. Some jobs I only need the basics and some I want everything with me. These bags packed and ready to go enable me to spend less time packing for the job and more time mentally preparing and exploring what I want to create. Now that we are in lockdown I’m using one for my own personal things. Spoiling myself and making myself get into the “self care” ritual at night when I’m in front of the tv! Skincare, all my oils and body lotions and nails all in one bag. I’m using it for makeup too and experimenting with makeup for myself again, something I never get the time for usually! I encourage all people in our industry to treat themselves like the talent during these times and explore their own beauty! I know I normally never do this is I’m so overloaded with work, it’s the last thing I ever feel like doing when I get home or have a day off! No excuses now!
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